Sandpits Gibraltar
Contact the Club
We do not yet have a fancy sign up page so for now please just pop up to the club.
You can email the Club Secretary on
Alternatively phone us on 20077035. This is usually manned from 10-10:30 – late on weekdays.
The Facebook page is a good source of information and a way to communicate with us.
We also Offer Private Lessons & Group lessons.
There are almost ten qualified tennis coaches but not everyone are actively coaching. However there is no shortage of available coaches.
We also have a coach coaching paddle tennis.
Please enquire at the club or via the Facebook group.

Family member
£350 p.a.
Senior / adult member
Non-playing member
Student abroad
Junior member
Temporary membership is also available. It is priced on a monthly basis.
Sports therapy
Claire McGrail studied at the University of Hertfordshire obtaining a First Class Honours for her BSc Sports Therapy degree. During her training, she carried out a one-year work placement in an established sports injury clinic in Cambridge. Here she gained experience working with athletes from the Cambridge University sports team, Cambridge United FC amongst other athletes from various sporting backgrounds.
Custom treatments to fit your needs
Recent & Upcoming
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Phone the club +350 77035